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Artificial Intelligence

  • An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

    Taught by Prof. Mausam from IIT Delhi, this course offers a self-paced learning experience covering problem modeling, AI models, and algorithms. It prepares students for advanced AI courses with 80+ lectures, video recordings, lecture notes, and practice problems. It's an excellent starting point to explore the basics of AI.
  • Hugging Face

    Hugging Face is a community and data science platform that provides tools to build, train, and deploy machine learning models based on open source code and technologies. It is also a place where a broad community of data scientists, researchers, and ML engineers can come together and share ideas, get support, and contribute to open source projects.
  • jsonify

    Jsonify is a simple and efficient online tool designed to convert, format, and validate JSON data. It allows developers and users to easily input raw JSON code and instantly see the results in a structured and readable format. Jsonify also provides features like error detection, pretty printing, and minifying JSON, making it a helpful resource for those working with APIs, data structures, or web development. Its user-friendly interface ensures that both beginners and experienced developers can quickly process JSON data without any hassle.